Basketball ScoreBoard

Project information

This Basketball Scoreboard is a web application designed to keep track of scores for two teams: Home and Guest. It features a clean and professional UI with interactive elements to update scores, start a new game, and highlight the leading team with trophy icons.

  • Score Tracking: Increase scores for Home or Guest teams by 1, 2, or 3 points.
  • New Game: Reset scores and hide trophy icons with a single button click.
  • Leading Team Highlight: Automatically display a trophy icon next to the leading team.
  • Tie Detection: Show trophy icons for both teams when scores are tied.
  • Responsive Design: The layout adjusts to fit various screen sizes for better usability on different devices.
Technologies Used
  • HTML: Structure of the application
  • CSS: Styling and layout
  • JavaScript: Interactive functionality
  • Click the +1, +2, or +3 buttons under the Home or Guest sections to update the scores.
  • Click the "START A NEW GAME" button to reset the scores and hide any trophy icons.
  • The leading team will have a trophy icon displayed next to its name, and in case of a tie, both teams will have the trophy icons displayed.